Des nouvelles du patch 1.13
Bashiok s'est exprimé hier sur l'avancement du patch 1.13.
On y apprend que l'agrandissement du coffre est remis en question. En effet, cela pourrait compromettre le service; leurs serveurs pourraient ne pas supporter la charge supplémentaire.
Si jamais le projet était abandonné, la sortie du patch serait encore retardée d'une durée indéterminée.
Ils espèrent avoir les résultats de leurs tests la semaine prochaine.
The Diablo II 1.13 patch is on temporary hold while we investigate potential impact on the service. As we moved closer to launching the patch concerns grew that an increase in the player stash size (a feature in the patch) could compromise the Diablo II service. The hardware and configuration could potentially not handle the increased stash size gracefully under heavy load. Currently we’re investigating potential impact as it is one of the larger content features in the patch and we’re hoping it can remain a part of the release. If it does have to be removed it will require additional time to remove it, generate new patches, and test, which will add time before we can go live on the PTR.
We’re hoping to have our diagnostics and a final decision on how we’ll be moving forward decided by early next week and we’ll have an update for you at that time.
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